A student and staff smile for the camera

Special education school proving fitness is for all at National School Sports Week

A special education school in London is proving that physical activity is achievable for all as part of the Youth Sport Trust’s National School Sports Week.

Swiss Cottage School was chosen to launch the weeklong annual campaign which aims to champion the role of PE, physical activity, and school sport in allowing all pupils to reach their full potential.

This year, National School Sports Week, powered by Sports Direct’s Monster Kickabout is themed around ‘putting all into football,’ through 60 minutes a day of PE, sport, and play, with the intention of driving up awareness of the Chief Medical Officer’s’ recommendation that children should be active for a minimum of 60 minutes a day to stay happy and healthy.

Youth Sport Trust CEO Ali Oliver was there to kick off the week and noted the importance of the campaign in getting young people active off the back of some harrowing statistics.

“We know that less than half of children nationally get their active minutes every day and that really isn’t good enough,” she said.

“Those active minutes are vital for a child’s growth and development and it’s a really worry for us.

“Moreover, only 30 per cent of teachers and parents know that there is a recommended daily amount so there’s a lot that we can do to change things. 

“Part of growing is moving and by living in a digital age, we need to balance our lifestyle and educate young people on this. 

“The Youth Sport Trust hope to support schools and education set ups in creating active learning environments to make children happier and healthier.

“Whether that’s active travel or active playgrounds, physical activity is no longer just for children with high level of ability, it’s for everybody.”

For disabled young people, the Chief Medical Officers’ recommendation is for 20 minutes of physical activity every day and strength and balance activity 3 times a week.

To launch National School Sports Week 2024, children at Swiss Cottage School took part in an accessible sports day of football cricket and football golf, led by Olympic and Paralympic icons Montell Douglas and Tim Prendergast.

Children were then involved in a Q&A session with the athletes and a special guest of Dame Katherine Grainger. 

And head teacher Vijita Patel was thrilled to see her school at the forefront of proving that physical activity is achievable for all young children. 

“We’re really excited that we get to be one of the lead inclusion schools for the Youth Sports Trust,” she said.

“At Swiss Cottage School, a non-negotiable is the way that we weave physical movement throughout the school day and not just in that timetabled lesson so that readiness to learn and engagement comes through.

“It’s incredible that National Schools Sports Week is being launched through a special needs and special provision school.

“We’re incredibly excited that there’s a visibility to a population that can often be quite marginalised and show that physical activity is absolutely accessibly for every child and young person.”

National School Sports Week is an annual campaign, launched originally in 2008 and run by national children’s charity the Youth Sport Trust, to champion the role of PE, physical activity, and school sport in allowing all pupils to reach their full potential.

Featured Image Credit: Beat Media Group

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