A quarter of households in Hammersmith and Fulham will be fitted with smart water meters over the next three years.
The rollout comes as Thames Water continues its goal to protect water resources across London and the Thames Valley.
The Smart meters will provide data to reduce water leakage and help Thames Water meet the unprecedented surge in demand for water caused in part by the pandemic.
The devices will also be beneficial to residents as it will allow them to keep track of their water usage and provide greater control over their bills.
Thames Water will install more than 13,000 devices before April, with a further 6,000 to be put in place in the next two years.
Mark Cooper, head of metering at Thames Water said: “The use of smart meters has been a real game changer as they give us such a detailed insight into exactly where the water we put into supply goes, when our customers use water and how much they use.
“The data has been particularly invaluable over the last 18 months as the traditional demand patterns we’ve been used to have changed significantly due to lockdown. 
“The typical peak demand periods of early morning and evening are no longer so prominent as fewer people are leaving their homes for work so might shower, use the washing machine or water the plants in the middle part of the day instead.”
Thames Water’s smartmeter campaign began in 2015 and now saves more than 90 million litres of water every day, the equivalent of more than 36 Olympic size swimming pools.
It is hoped that by 2035, every house in both London and the Thames Valley will be equipped with a smart meter.
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