Conservative London Assembly chair attacks mayor’s record on ‘national disgrace’ of rough sleeping numbers
The Conservative chair of the London Assembly has criticised the Mayor of London for his record on rough sleeping during
The Conservative chair of the London Assembly has criticised the Mayor of London for his record on rough sleeping during
Rental prices across London are taking up higher fractions of people’s income, and Brent has experienced the biggest rise in
The number of domestic abuse survivors in need of homelessness support from London councils has nearly doubled in the last
Private renter protection, landlord registers and social housing were top of the agenda as Islington North candidates were questioned by
With Penny Mordaunt tweeting throughout and Labour hitting back, here are the top social media reactions to the live BBC
Ealing Council has released a new plan as a vision for the next 15 years, but residents think it is
Chipping Barnet MP Theresa Villiers is opposing the development of the Spires shopping centre into housing. The proposed development
New figures show the local authority owns 31% of long-term vacant dwellings in Ealing which are left vacant and unfurnished
More than 8million people call London home, but even more come and go from the city every day. Finding affordable
23,000 social-rented home were demolished in the London over the last decade, while only 12,000 were built according to analysis
UK house prices dropped in November amidst financial uncertainty as mortgage rates rose and recession loomed, after a decade of