A football

Euro 2024: Domestic abuse on the rise, warns campaign

Domestic abuse cases rise by more than a third when the England men’s team lose in a major football tournament, according to the National Centre for Domestic Violence.

Solace Women’s Aid has recently partnered with the National Centre for Domestic Violence to release an alternative England shirt with the number 38 to draw attention to the 38% increase in reports of domestic abuse. 

The nationwide campaign ‘No More Injury Time’ is hoping to raise awareness and encourage victims to seek help.

Flo Finch, content creator and domestic abuse advocate, said: “The campaign helps us to be the voice of the voiceless and the face of the faceless.

“My hope is that women who are struggling with a perpetrator during this tournament, and after, see this campaign and know there are so many people who are fighting for them without even knowing who they are.

“There is a life after abuse, there is support and there are so many people who want to help them, love them and guide them through the next chapter of their life.”

Other National Centre for Domestic Violence data shows that one in five adults experience domestic abuse during their lifetime, including one in four women.

However, according to Office for National Statistics (ONS) only around 890,000 cases were recorded by police and only 39,198 convictions. 

There is a reluctance to report domestic abuse to the police as according to the National Centre for Domestic Violence, less than 24% of these crimes are reported

“The cases are actually much higher than the 38% as these are only the reported incidents, and we know that in the UK the majority of domestic abuse is never reported,” said a Solace spokesperson.

According to Refuge, it is estimated that around three women a week die by suicide as a result of domestic violence and it also leads to, on average, two women being murdered each week and 30 men each year.

Whilst these statistics are disappointing, the way we talk and deal with domestic abuse is progressing. 

Since January 2022, victims of domestic abuse in England and Wales have longer to report and prosecute an offender for common assault, extending the time limit in which a survivor can go to the police to two years.

Previously, there was a six-month time cap on the crime being reported and the case being sent to the Crown Prosecution Service. 

The taboo around domestic abuse is also slowly disappearing as many survivors come onto TikTok now to talk about their experiences and to raise awareness. 

Last year, 2.4 million adults were victims and the number of domestic abuse-related crimes increased by 7.7% compared to 2022

The TikTok series ‘Who TF Did I Marry’ got nearly 45 million likes on its 50-part series about the survivor’s pathologically lying ex-husband.

In 2021, Netflix also introduced a documentary series “My Lover My Killer” where families and friends of victims share their experiences. Their motto is to “name and shame abusers”.

There are recently newly published books about domestic abuse and podcasts, famously about narcissism by Ramani Durvasula.

If in need of help, call 0808 802 5565 (Solace) or 0800 970 2070 (National Centre for Domestic Violence).

Featured image: Solace Women’s Aid

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