An image of Finchley Central Station

‘It’s very strange’ – Residents oppose TfL’s decision to close Finchley Central entrance 

North London residents have hit out at Transport for London’s (TfL) decision to close the Station Road entrance at Finchley Central Station.

TfL decided to take action after reports of anti-social behaviour along the road were made and there are hopes that the closure will mitigate this problem and increase safety for both Finchley residents and nearby businesses.

The closure has been met with frustration from several Finchley residents who believe the decision is unnecessary and problematic. 

Susan and her husband Michael, both in their seventies, have commuted through Finchley Central Station for over 40 years and noticed the closure when Michael returned to the entrance where he had parked his car and found it closed with no prior warning. 

The couple are both disabled and often use the Station Road entrance for easy access, and now must navigate to the main entrance, adding an extra 20 minutes to their usual travel time.  

Susan said: “There is anti-social behaviour everywhere but why pick on closing the station?

“They don’t just close Oxford Circus station entrances because of this kind of behaviour.

“Finchley Central is used all the time by so many people, so I just don’t get it. It’s very strange.” 

Susan has also set up a petition to oppose the closure and has found widespread support for her cause amongst other disgruntled Finchley residents, with 90 signatures on the petition. 

Finchley resident, Benny Daniels, 23, also shared similar views, but added that the entrance had become an anti-social behaviour hotspot in recent years, with people gathering to drink and do drugs. 

He said: “This is fairly intimidating to passengers using the exit or any inspector standing there.

“I understand why TfL has done it, but it feels like half a solution as the people still gather there so it’s still scary if you walk down Station Road.”

Susan’s petition and Daniels both questioned whether the closure would actually achieve the desired outcome to tackle problematic behaviour and instead emphasised the need to enforce different measures instead of closing the entrance.

These included increasing surveillance such as CCTV and security presence and installing more lighting around the entrance as better alternatives to deter such behaviour. 

Anti-social behaviour has also significantly affected many businesses on Station Road.

Mesut Kanidagli, 39, who owns Breakfast Bar opposite the station entrance, spoke about how he has experienced an impact the number of customers he receives, as the behaviour going on outside has deterred customers from entering.

He also mentioned that the problem was the responsibility of both TfL and Barnet Council and called to the council to clean up the road and surrounding area, to remove the appeal of engaging in anti-social behaviour. 

A spokesperson for the Metropolitan Police‘s North West Basic Command Unit said: “We have not been made aware of any anti-social behaviour issues at this particular location.

“Our Finchley Church End Community Policing Team conduct regular reassurance patrols of Finchley Road and the surrounding area, in addition to proactive operations conducted by officers in both uniform and plain clothes, as part of the Met’s wider ongoing efforts to reduce crime and tackle anti-social behaviour across London.”

TfL and Barnet Council have been contacted for comment. 

Report incidents of anti-social behaviour via or by calling 101.

Featured Image: Martin Addison on Creative Commons – able to use with credit

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