Taxi drivers parked off Bath Road, Heathrow, in residential streets

Taxi drivers facing Heathrow residential ban after alleged ‘digusting’ behaviour

Taxi and Uber drivers are facing a ban from waiting on residential roads surrounding Heathrow Airport after locals reported disgusting and aggressive” behaviour.

Residents of West Drayton, Pinkwell, and other villages surrounding Heathrow have long complained to Hillingdon Council of anti-social behaviour from idling taxi drivers lingering in their streets.

Now, taxis, Ubers and private hire vehicles (PHVs) could face new restrictions as the council is proposing to introduce a PSPO (Public Space Protection Order) to ban drivers from waiting.

In April, Heathrow Airport introduced a ‘nuisance parking portal’, which since garnered 93 complaints about drivers waiting in Heathrow’s neighbouring streets.

Doghurst Drive resident Paramjeet Parmar claimed: “First they look at you, then shout at you, and only then they move. Some people don’t even move. One day, one guy tried to run me over!

“They urinate in the park where kids are playing so I’ve told them to play in my front garden as it’s safer.”

Parmaj lets neighbourhood children play in his front garden due to drivers urinating in the public park

The former British Airways worker claims he’s witnessed drivers urinating and defecating along Doghurst Drive on numerous occasions, as well as once in his own front garden.

Drivers allegedly loiter around the McDonalds located on Bath Road, Heathrow, and park up along neighbouring residential streets.

Multiple residents reported seeing drivers publicly urinating into bottles and blocking them in their own homes.

“They block your drives and urinate in bottles, leaving them down the side of our fences,” said Harlington resident, Mahal, claiming it was a ‘weekly’ occurrence.

Hillingdon Council also reported repeated incidents of “inconsiderate parking, littering, urination and defection in public places, engine idling, noise and abusive behaviour towards residents”.

The proposed PSPO would make it an offence for any taxi vehicle to wait or park inside the exclusion zone unless collecting or dropping off a passenger.

Anyone not complying with the ban risks a fine of up to £100.

The restrictions would apply to certain roads in West Drayton, Pinkwell, and other villages surrounding Heathrow.

Harlington residents resoundingly support the introduction of a PSPO, with homeowner Waqqas Awan referring to taxis as: “a nuisance, like crows coming by.”

Many people have concerns over their privacy and value of their neighbourhood, with one resident even claiming he’s looking for another house.

Unlike existing Fixed Penalty Notices, local law enforcement would require no observation period and penalties could be enforced immediately or through evidence of contravention obtained by camera footage.

Whilst there are already dedicated waiting areas within the airport’s boundary, many PHVs and taxi drivers choose not to use them.

Hillingdon Council have not yet set a date for the consultation.

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